Bye, bye, Blandyland,
Land of Black and White,
Land where all waters run shallow,
Where wading is the only way,
And in is the only out.

Where cotton is the only candy,
(White cotton, that is.)
Where smiling masks are pasted on,
Smiling masks that mask all.

Where rigid is the only thinking,
And narrow is the only width.

Where still waters run still.
(Now and forever.)

Bye, bye, Blandyland.

I’m claiming my full spectrum,
My Good, my Bad, my Pretty, my Ugly.
(Welcome home, Ugly.)

Because 31 flavors (each one vanilla)
Are not enough.
(Never and forever.)

I’m taking my full spectrum
To Infinityville,
Where “Whack is the New Black.”
(Why be beige?)

To Infinityville–
And beyond—
Make mine a vanilla-less, non-beige scoop!